Nutrition and Weight Loss

Nutrition and weight loss can be a tricky area to navigate. With so many fad diets and gimmicks out there it is easy to get caught up in the newest "weight loss phenomenon." At Synergy we want to focus on each individual and tailor diet plans for each person. Everyone is different and have different goals, needs, favorite foods etc. Dr. David Lyons has experimented with many different types of diets and meal plans. He has found what has worked and what hasn't. With this knowledge he can help form well designed diets and meal plans for patients on an individual basis. Along with diet, physical activity is another key part in living a healthy life. Exercise plans will also be discussed. After going through the initial exam we will work together on coming up with the best plan for YOU.
Your initial exam is free, come into the office and meet with Dr. David. Talk about your goals and come up with a plan. It's never too late to start.

Initial In Office Exam (includes measurements and full history.)
Online Coaching Only: $199 monthly
-online correspondence
-daily and weekly check in
-email any questions
-exercise plans
In Office & Online: $299 monthly
-all the online benefits plus
- monthly office visit for updated weight and body measurement.
-email available daily for any questions
-diet tips & tricks
-supplement recommendations